2024 PlutoHacks  October 18 - 19

From October 18 to 19, 2024, the Broward College Computer Science and IT programs in the STEM Pathway will host its 9th Annual BC Hackathon aka PlutoHacks, a 24-hour coding event where teams of students design and develop prototype mobile/web apps to present before a panel of judges.

This event provides a unique collaborative environment that promotes project and team-based learning and offers alumni and employers access to some of BC's most talented students.  At Broward College, we believe in providing invigorating, team-based learning activities and events that allow our computer science & IT students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge, talent, and skills to our workforce partners.  

Pluto Hacks has been fortunate with the support previously received from both Broward College alumni and local industry professionals who have participated. Alumnus Brent Lewis, who now works for Microsoft, participated as a mentor and judge and gave our students great feedback both during the development/programming phase and the judging phase. He is a “rockstar” to our students, and we are so very honored to have such thoughtful and giving alumni be involved.  


As planning gets underway for this year, the BC Hackathon planning team extends an invitation to our alumni & friends to participate either as individuals, corporations, or organizations in mentor or judge roles during PlutoHacks.

There are also a number of sponsorship opportunities. For more information about the event, please visit plutohacks.com.  

For more information about volunteering or sponsoring Plutohacks, please contact Ester “Etty” Sims, Academic Technologist at Broward College at esims1@broward.edu or 954-201-6561.  

View Sponsorship Package here